Discrimination  RepoRt

Report an Incident Here

If you are a victim or a witness of racism or discrimination, we can provide peer support and provide referrals to help in your recovery.  To speak with a victim support worker please complete the report below. You are not alone. We are here to help.

    Report Racism & Discrimination

    Thank-you for taking a first step to report racism and discrimination.

    1. Contact Info

    2. Incident report date:

    3. Type of incident: (vandalism, harassment, slurs, threats, graffiti, hateful material, other )

    4. Motivation for incident:

    5. Was this incident reported to RCMP?

    6. Was this incident reported to the City Police?

    7. Any additional details of the incidents?

    8. Do you want to be contacted after the report has been submitted?

    9. Would you like to anonymously share data for statistical purposes for Intercultural Kootenays and Resilience BC to help combat racism?

    Discrimination & Harrassment Prevention and Victim Support

    Get Support

    Intercultural Kootenays is here to listen, provide resources and support you as you choose the best option for you. Anyone who has experienced or witnessed discrmination or harassment, whether it occurred recently or in the distant past can get support with Intercultural Kootenays. Everyone who seeks support from Intercultural Kootenays will be treated with respect and dignity.

    Our services are free, confidential, and available to all community members in the Kootenay region. We are here to support you.
    Unfortunately, most discriminatory actions are not recorded and therefore this leads to problems being unidentified and solutions not being actively sought after. Help us, change this. Please note data collected from this report will be used for statistical purposes.